Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Two Months Already

Hard to believe Jason is two months old already! And what a crazy month it has been. Before we left the hospital, Jason had a head ultrasound, and it showed he had two grade 1 brain bleeds. They wanted to do an MRI after he was two months old and see if the bleeding had caused any permanent brain damage. We had the MRI last Monday, and Jason was not a big fan of it. Luckily the test only lasted about an hour and when he came back out, we was very excited to see his mommy and daddy. We went and saw the NICU doctor Thursday, to get the results of the MRI. Dr. Hubbard was the DR. we saw. She was shocked to see how big Jason had gotten. She smiled at him and said what happened to that little tiny 3 pound baby I admitted. Jason is just under 20 inches long and is almost nine pounds! They are so happy with his weight gain and his reflexes. Dr. Hubbard told us that the MRI results came back and Jason had no damage! Our baby is perfectly healthy! Dr. Hubbard officially dismissed Jason, and said that unless Dr. Grimaldi, his regular pediatrician recommended it, we didn't need to come back. We are so excited to have such a happy healthy baby boy!
Jason has been growing like a weed! We finally put away his preemie clothes shortly after he turned a month old. Yesterday we retired his newborn clothes! Or little baby is finally starting to catch up in size! We went to Clearwater last weekend and visited Jason's Great Aunt and Uncle, his cousins and his Great Grandma Sandy! We had such a good time! Jason also learned how to smile and coo over the weekend! He is getting so big so fast! I return to work in two weeks, so I plan on spending every second I can with my little man. He truly has his Mama wrapped around his finger!

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