Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Month And Oh What An Adventure It Has Been!

Jason is a month old today! Pretty unbelievable! He is growing so fast and changing so much every day. It's been a few weeks since I have blogged so I am behind on some of the big news! WE ARE HOME!!! Yup it's official Jason came home on April 22nd, which was my dad's birthday! The 20th, I was up in the nicu feeding him at 2:30 in the morning. The nurse came in to tell me that some of my neighbors were out in the waiting room (they were having a grand baby in the same hospital!) and so I went out to talk with them. Before I left Jason, I wrapped him up real tightly, because he loves to pull out his ng tube. Well I came back in from talking to them, and Jason had managed to unwrap himself and pull out his tube. The nurse decided that we would wait to put the tube back in. Unless he absolutely needed it, we would rather have him take all his feedings by mouth. Josh and I left the hospital around six, because we were headed to my moms for my baby shower. We received so many amazing and wonderful gifts! The shower was a blast and I am so thankful for everyone that came. I left my mom's around two and called the hospital to check on him. They said as long as Jason continued to eat like a champion we were going home on Monday. I asked the nurse three times to repeat what she had said because I was in absolute shock! We were told when he was born we would be lucky to make it home by mothers day. My little man had different plans and on the 22nd we exited the hospital and headed home!

We absolutely love being home! Jason sleeps in the bassinet right next to our bed and so far he is letting me sleep around three to four hours before he wakes up and wants to eat. I am off for the next eight weeks and we are just enjoying our time as a family. There truly is no place like home! Here are some of Jason's 1 month pics I took! :)

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