Monday, December 8, 2008
You Know It's Finals If!
The Pizza Delivery Guy has come to your dorm ten times in one night
The Snack Machine, Which has always been filled is now compeltly empty
When the Smell of Potato Chips lingers in the air
When You See A College Student and They Have Huge Circles Under Their Eyes
When The Security Guard Looks Baffled at 3 o'clock in the morning when there are still kid up, kids who go to bed at 9 usually studying their brains out
When Parents call to check and see if your still alive
When there is no such thing as to much soda
When your body aches from exhaustion, and your head hurts from studyn
Good Luck To Everyone With Their Finals!
And Yes I was one of the crazy lunitics up at 3 in the morning haha! It is so nap time!
The Week of Horrors, College Student's Call Finals!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Brody and Brogan
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Family Fun!
So An Update on Me!
So Tara's In Labor
Friday, October 31, 2008
Hmm Joy I Had To Curse It
Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Classes YEAH!!
Class Days A Week Credit Hours Time
Financing and Investing Accounting- M-T-H-F 4 Hours 10:00-10:50
Marketing M-W-F 3 Hours 11:00-11:50
Business Ethics T-H 3 Hours 2:30-3:45
American Government T 3 Hours 7:00-9:30
Probality and Statistics M-T-H-F 4 Hours 1:00- 1:50
Yeah so it's a course load! It may not look like much but seventeen hours to a college kid = No sleep! Thankgod I'm not doing anything important like nursing lol, or I'd be dead!
Halloween Plans
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Viva Las Vegas!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Getting Around To An Update