Sunday, October 19, 2008

Getting Around To An Update

So Yes I've been a bad blogger and haven't blogged in awhile, sorry, things have been el crazy around here. I successfully mad it through my midterms without pulling my hair out!! YEAH!!! Things here have been pretty quiet, Mom and I head out to Vegas this Wednesday, Josh starts school tommorow. I'm looking forward to the coming months though because a lot of very exciting stuff will be taking place. My cousin Tara's twins will be here hopefully next month, and My cousin Lauren is going to have a baby in february! I just love babies so I'm super excited for them! My friend Erica's little girl is getting so big and beautiful! I can't believe how fast she's grown! My god child Charlie turned one this month, so exciting! Well I promise I will try to keep everyone updated more! Tottles!

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