Thursday, July 24, 2014

The End Is Near!!

I am happy to report, that I have only 13 short weeks till I am officially Courtney Lynn Price, MAHR! I will have my masters degree in a few short weeks and I am so excited and so ready to be done! This has been such a long crazy process, but I'm glad that the fruits of my labor will finally be paying out! I start my last course August 28th, which can't come soon enough!
In other news, we officially have a walking jabbering one year old! Jason has changed so much in such a short time. He laughs at everything now, and can clearly say Mama and Dada, hat, up, no, uhoh, and sometimes hi and bye! We just had his hair cut for the third time (seriously the kids hair grows faster than mine does!) We loves bath time, playing with his toys and being outside! He is seriously such a fun kid! Here are some updated pictures!

Friday, February 21, 2014


I have spent the majority of my life waiting for the next big thing. I constantly find myself asking God for more. I'd like a different car or a vacation. One thing I begged for more than anything was a child. It's hard on ones spirits to be infertile. Now I know other women have infertility issues worse than mine, and they are in my constant thoughts and prayers. There are a range of emotions you go through when finding out you are infertile. You blame yourself, and hate yourself for not being able to do the one thing you are supposed to do. I begged God to answer my prayers and he did, but not in the way I would have planned. And even after I found myself asking and wishing for more. Why? Because I am selfish.
I am an incredibly selfish person. I want things, I want my time. I am trying to fix this. Each day is a gift from God and the opportunity to spread more love and happiness. Instead of focusing on what I want, I need to focus on how I can help others and caring for my family. My God and those around me are the most important things and my reason for existing. Do I want more things in life... Absolutely, but they will happen in due time as God sees fit. Right now I need to focus on being the very best Christian, mother, wife, daughter and friend I can be.

God Bless!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nine Months Already!.... And In Other News

Say What!!! Our tiny little micro preemie is now 9 months old and growing like a weed! Jason is sitting up all on his own and beginning to really take an interest in crawling. He can not crawl yet, but he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. He is also really wanting to stand more and more now.