Friday, April 5, 2013

Jason Robert Price!!!!

Well to make it blog official, our little boy was born April 2nd, at 11:20 A.M. He weighed 3 pounds 6.1 ounces and was 15 and 3/4 inches long. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes upon. I am so in love with my little boy. Having Jason early was not part of the master plan, but as many tried to warn me plans tend to not go according to plan.

This all started three very long weeks ago. I went to the dr on the 18th, and he was not happy with my blood pressure. I assumed since I had been dealing with the death of my grandpa, and some other issues, I was just stressed and it would go back down. I went back to the dr on the 25th, and was immediatly hospitalized for high blood pressure and too much protein. Dr. Snider was unclear of what condition I had, but after several tests it became clear that I had preclampsia, and it was getting worse. On Wednesday the 27th, I was moved to Overland Park Regional, because my Dr. and his team, did not feel confident enough that I would make it to a safe delivery point with Jason. Overland Park has one of the best NICU's around, so we knew that if Jason was born early, he would be okay. I spent Easter and my birthday in the hospital, and started to feel the effects of the preclampsia. My blood work started coming back elevated, with low platlette levels, and by Tuesday morning, I was in so much pain on my right side. Turns out my liver was starting to shut down. I don't think until now I've actually realized, we both very easily could not have made it due to the complications. Dr. Snider was quick to come in, evaluate and announce that we would be doing a c-section at 10:30 that day. At 32 weeks and 4 days, any soon to be mother would positively freak. I was not ready to have this little boy, not yet, not this early.

I suddenly realized it would be okay, and I started telling myself I had to remain calm. The next two hours flew by and at ten thirty they came to get me for surgery. I had an epidural, which by the way was amazingly fantastic! Once the meds kicked in they brought Josh and my Mom back to operating room and we were under way. After just four minutes of surgery Jason was born! I immedietly felt this huge sense of peace upon hearing him cry. What a beautiful sound that was, and I helped create that sound. The NICU Dr. evaluated Jason and said that he was breathing fantastically. They handed him off to Josh who brought him over for me to see. The first thing I noticed was his blonde hair. Where did that come from? My entire pregnancy I had assumed Jason was going to have black hair like his daddy! Nope he had blonde hair like his mommy. He looked right at my and stuck his tongue out. I was in love. He was absolutely perfect in every way, and the best thing was he was my perfect little baby.

Of course since Jason is so early, we will be in the NICU a while. He is already a little love bug and everyone who comes around him falls in love with him. He's had a bit of jaundice so he's under the lights for now. Keep us in your prayers and I will continue to update everyone as often as I can. I can't wait until I can bring my perfect little guy home!

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