Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So RA Training, Was a ....

Lets See First Picture is of Emily Dying lol, and Me giving Hannah the hmylic remover lol! The second picture is brown hall versus martin hall and the third is us at the tanning salon. Hannah is the one in the bed, and then it goes Vonda, Trish and Emily. The next picture is just a goofy one, and the last one is of us climbing a no trespassing fence. Gotta love them RA's!!!

A FRICKIN BLAST!!!! Never in all the training we have done have I had that much fun! We did a photo scavanger hunt, were we had to go to places, and our RD's had to take pictures of us doing the task or in front of the place, it was so funny!! Well classes start tommorow!! Whoo!!! Not really! My stats book still isn't in which annoys me to no end, and I PAID 175 DOLLARS FOR MY MARKETING BOOK!! Can we say oww!! I spent over 400 dollars on books, when I usually spend a max of like 200 so yeah it was a definate adjustment. I guess my days of being cheap are over :( Sad! Tommorow I just have two classes, and then thursday I have to as well. Friday I unfortunatly have three, I guess classes are really here! Well I think I'm off to bed, but first I'll post some of the pictures from training

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