Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Relief in Sight

Well for anyone that truely knows me, they know that my main goal right now is to finish college. I have been working at it for two years now, and have two years left. Ugh the end is never in sight but thankfully relief is. I have been taking classes way above my grade level, and have managed two semesters of seventeen hours which is insane, ask anyone at the university, they will tell you that is a lot! I got to looking at my degree audit and class scheadule for the next two years though, and to my suprise I find, that I only have two semesters of hard classes left, before I start my 12 hour semesters! Oh yeah that makes me so happy! Pray I make it through Spring 09 and Fall 09 and I'll be just about set! Oh Relief is in sight, Thankgod for that!

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