Saturday, January 31, 2009

So Why Am I Waiting?

Well I went prom dress shopping with my sister today, so of course I got to look at wedding dresses! Wow they are so pretty and I am so ready for my big day. I have decided to move up the wedding. yes April is beautiful, but i don't want to wait a year after i graduate college to get married. So the new date is October 15, 2011!!! YEAh i'm so excited

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Fiance is passed out in the chair next to me and I'm Bored lol!

Seriously he keeps nodding off. I tell him to go home and get some sleep, and he says I'm not sleeping lol! He's humorous. I've been working on some art stuff lately, mostly photoshop, I'm hoping I'll be able to upload some of the pictures because they look absolutely amazing! I met with my advisor yesterday, and we went over a few things to try to get me ready so I can move off campus. I'm working on my senior contract, and I'm halfway done with school which is very exciting for me!! Well leave me a comment or something seriously nobody comments my page lol!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lauren's Baby Shower!

So We had Lauren's baby shower on Saturday! It was lots of fun! We played lots of games, and Lauren got a ton of really cute things! Now all we have to do is a wait a few more weeks to see the little one!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So RA Training, Was a ....

Lets See First Picture is of Emily Dying lol, and Me giving Hannah the hmylic remover lol! The second picture is brown hall versus martin hall and the third is us at the tanning salon. Hannah is the one in the bed, and then it goes Vonda, Trish and Emily. The next picture is just a goofy one, and the last one is of us climbing a no trespassing fence. Gotta love them RA's!!!

A FRICKIN BLAST!!!! Never in all the training we have done have I had that much fun! We did a photo scavanger hunt, were we had to go to places, and our RD's had to take pictures of us doing the task or in front of the place, it was so funny!! Well classes start tommorow!! Whoo!!! Not really! My stats book still isn't in which annoys me to no end, and I PAID 175 DOLLARS FOR MY MARKETING BOOK!! Can we say oww!! I spent over 400 dollars on books, when I usually spend a max of like 200 so yeah it was a definate adjustment. I guess my days of being cheap are over :( Sad! Tommorow I just have two classes, and then thursday I have to as well. Friday I unfortunatly have three, I guess classes are really here! Well I think I'm off to bed, but first I'll post some of the pictures from training

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Relief in Sight

Well for anyone that truely knows me, they know that my main goal right now is to finish college. I have been working at it for two years now, and have two years left. Ugh the end is never in sight but thankfully relief is. I have been taking classes way above my grade level, and have managed two semesters of seventeen hours which is insane, ask anyone at the university, they will tell you that is a lot! I got to looking at my degree audit and class scheadule for the next two years though, and to my suprise I find, that I only have two semesters of hard classes left, before I start my 12 hour semesters! Oh yeah that makes me so happy! Pray I make it through Spring 09 and Fall 09 and I'll be just about set! Oh Relief is in sight, Thankgod for that!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Way to Start A New Year

Well super exciting news on the front lines! My cousin Michelle and her husband Tae are going to have a new baby in August! I'm so excited for them! They already have a little boy names Mason, So hopefully we will get to girls in 2009! we are still holding out hope that Lauren's lil one will be a girl, but we will be happy with a boy too! I move back to school on friday, yeah!! I'm so ready for it!! Things around here have been pretty quiet i stayed home on new years, and christmas as well! I promise I'll post a better blog soon! Have a great day!