Friday, October 31, 2008

Hmm Joy I Had To Curse It

You know how i was bragging about being in Vegas and the wether there, well guess what I'm sick, I guess what comes around goes around lol!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Classes YEAH!!

Not really don't let the title fool ya lol! I'm double majoring in Accounting and Business, so I have had full semester's since I started school. Brightside is by this summer I will be 9 credit hours short of being a senior, which is awesome. It really actually means nothing, because I still have two years left :( Stupid accounting classes lol. Well anyway my Spring 09 scheadule consists of

Class Days A Week Credit Hours Time

Financing and Investing Accounting- M-T-H-F 4 Hours 10:00-10:50

Marketing M-W-F 3 Hours 11:00-11:50

Business Ethics T-H 3 Hours 2:30-3:45

American Government T 3 Hours 7:00-9:30

Probality and Statistics M-T-H-F 4 Hours 1:00- 1:50

Yeah so it's a course load! It may not look like much but seventeen hours to a college kid = No sleep! Thankgod I'm not doing anything important like nursing lol, or I'd be dead!

Halloween Plans

Yeah i'm stuck working this weekend, ugh! I'm stuck on campus till Monday morning, but oh well. Josh's neice and nephwer are coming to see me tommorow night in their costumes, and so is my friend Erica's lil girl, and my god child charlie! They are having a kiddie carnival tommorow night which should be interesting. And to make my ever so boring Halloween, even worse, I'm sick! Oh well must get over it, and I have a ton of stuff due next week anyway so oh well. I have included pictures from the Martin Hall(Where I Live and Work) Halloween Party, and please don't laugh at my costume, it was the very best I could do! HAHA! I'm a Snow Queen, it lacks inspiration, but I've been bogged down with homework so sue me!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!!!

So Mom and I are home from Las Vegas, but man was it fun! We stayed with my mom's sister and her husband, and let me tell you there house is amazing!!! It was so nice and warm that we actually got to swim! My Aunt and Uncle took us all down the strip, and to all the different casino's! It was such a blast! I have so many awesome souviners! One however never got to make it home with me. I bought a tiny snow globe from the bellagio cause i thought it was pretty, apparently airport security didn't like it, so I had to leave it in VEGAS!!! Sad isn't it, oh well mom bought me something else to make me feel better. Lets just say mom and i tend to get in trouble on airlines! Mom got in trouble for hairspray when she went out to my cousin Michelle's wedding, and I got in trouble for a darn snowglobe!!! How nuts is that lol! Oh well we are international terrorists with a snowglobe and hairspray lol!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Getting Around To An Update

So Yes I've been a bad blogger and haven't blogged in awhile, sorry, things have been el crazy around here. I successfully mad it through my midterms without pulling my hair out!! YEAH!!! Things here have been pretty quiet, Mom and I head out to Vegas this Wednesday, Josh starts school tommorow. I'm looking forward to the coming months though because a lot of very exciting stuff will be taking place. My cousin Tara's twins will be here hopefully next month, and My cousin Lauren is going to have a baby in february! I just love babies so I'm super excited for them! My friend Erica's little girl is getting so big and beautiful! I can't believe how fast she's grown! My god child Charlie turned one this month, so exciting! Well I promise I will try to keep everyone updated more! Tottles!