Friday, May 22, 2015


Well goodness, it has been awhile since I posted an update! Jason is growing so fast, and filling my every waking moment with happiness. He is still very stubborn in regards to talking, but we are working on sign language and encouraging him to talk. He is just under 3ft and weights 28 pounds now! I can't believe how fast he has grown!! For having such a rough start to live, I do declare him absolutely perfect :)

However.... that still doesn't stop the comments and the glances. My son does not speak. Does that break my heart, well yes it does. I'm dying to hear what the kid has to say, what he sounds like. We are working on his speech, with a therapist and are slowly but surely seeing progress. Does this mean something is wrong with my son? Well on that front, I have no freaking clue. Jason does have some repetitive behavior that we have written off as curiosity, and maybe it is maybe it isn't. If we redirect him, he seems to do fine and enjoys playing. He plays great at daycare and enjoys being outside and just exploring everything.

The point is, if there is something wrong with our son, it really doesn't bother us. I could have known in the womb that something was going to be seriously wrong with him, and I still would have chosen to keep him. We will continue, as we always have to seek the best for our son. No matter what he is our little man and regardless, he is perfect to us. We are so blessed to have so many amazing and caring people in our lives. You shape my sons world :)

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