Friday, February 20, 2009

Been Awhile

The Top Picture is of me and my cousin Emily, Then the bottom from Left to Right, My mom and Me, My grandpa Kipper, Lauren, Travis and Me, and Then My and My Little sister when we were younger!

So Yes it's been awhile since I've blogged, but things have been insane! I'm trying to get my senior contract done, and dot the i's and cross the t's. Josh and I are looking at getting an apartment together! YEAH!! I'm so tired of living in the dorms. My neices are growing like weeds, and My nephew is almost taller than me lol! My sisters are good and my parents even better. Mom just celebrated her 42nd birthday, and everyone has a hard time believing she is that old haha!

Besides school I've been working on my art work a lot. I love photography, and then I go into photoshop and mess with the pictures and make them look incredible! I have most of them posted on my facebook, because they are to big for the blogger to upload. We got mom and digital photoframe for her birthday, so I went out Wednesday to help her put pictures on it. I scanned some really cool pictures, some that are my favorite so I'll share them with everyone!

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