Thursday, April 23, 2015

Parenting 101: What they don't tell you!!!

There are certain things, they don't tell you about having a child. They tell you all the good things, like the snuggles and the laughs. The part where you could never love another person more, well the def have that right. It's unbelievably amazing being a parent. You stare at this little person and couldn't possibly imagine life without them. 
Parenting is generalized by so many people. Children are all expected to do certain things at certain times and if they don't you panic! Am I a good parent? What am I doing wrong? The truth is all kids do things at different paces.
So back to the moral of my rambling, there are certain things they don't tell you about parenting. There are certain little things that you trade when you become a parent. Things you wouldn't normally wouldn't think would be so special, like going to the bathroom alone! Inevitably, as soon as you close the door, a child cries, or bangs on the door yelling "MAMA IN!!" a the top of their lungs. And it doesn't just stop there. If you lay down to relax, they will find you. If you want to eat something, they are right there begging you for food.
Now the moral of this story is that while, I wouldn't change any of this for a single second, to be a parent i to self sacrifice. You never think of all the little things you give up that are so important, so simple. So every once in a while, take a bubble bath, have a drink and enjoy yourself! You are a human being and you have desires too! :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

He is 2!!

Wow!! Just wow!! My little boy is officially 2. He no longer looks like a little baby, he looks like a little man. I just can't believe how fast time has gone. I am so blessed to be Jason's mommy!! This year we decided to do smaller parties instead of one giant party (my wallet was thankful). Saturday we were supposed to have some of his little friends over to play, but unfortunately sickness ran rampant that day, so only one of our little friends showed. Not to worry though, T and Jason always have such a great time together! They played and played and played. Toddler giggles could be heard as they chased each other and played with balloons. The weekend was a success regardless and he was spoiled like usual! Thank you to all of our family and friends who came to celebrate our little guy with us! We are as always humbled by your love and support!

I think he's pretty dang handsome how about you :)

Tenley and Jason~ Best Friends!

Jason just adores his cousin Emma!

That face says it all , huh :)

Love~ The Prices

Blessings and Curses

The past few weeks, two of my friends have gone through an incredibly difficult time. Being a parent is both a blessing and a curse. Now before you rip my head off let me explain.

Being a parent is a true blessing from God. There is nothing more amazing in this world, than staring into the eyes of your child (whether adopted or birth) and knowing your their parent. The milestones you walk through as a parent are the most rewarding and inspiring. You will shape your child's future. You will be the person they turn to when anything is wrong.

The curse of being a parent, is the worry and the pain. Not the pain of bringing a child into this world, but the pain of knowing that their are evils in this world. Bad things can happen to anyone. The terror of knowing that things are outside your control and there is nothing you can do about it. The feeling is almost indescribable. It's a terrifying thing to love someone with your whole heart and any decent parent loves their child with their entire being.

Being a parent is the most terrifying and rewarding experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world. The journey to be a parent isn't always easy. You have to take the good with the bad, and sometimes that means pain, sometimes it means tears. Love is both rewarding and terrifying.