Sunday, February 3, 2013

What's In A Name

Upon finding out that we were going to be blessed with a son in May, Josh and I began the daunting task of naming our child. We struggled with the idea of using a family name, or using a name completely out of the ordinary. We decided to honor two of the most amazing individuals, who have blessed our lives in so many ways. We decided upon the name Jason Robert Price.

We decided up on Jason as a tribute to Josh's brother who passed away a few years ago. We have so many great memories of Jason, so many laughs and great moments. This name was especially important to my husband. Josh was incredibly close to his brother, he was more of a father to him. Jason taught Josh everything from how to ride on a motorcycle, to fixing trucks. He was always there for us any time we needed him, but he was above all an amazing father. Jason loved his little girls more than the entire world, and we are hoping we can be half as wonderful as he was.

The name Robert has very special meaning to me.  Shortly after I found out we were expecting our little bundle of joy, my Uncle Bob (Robert) passed away. My Uncle was by far one of the most motivating people in my life. When I was 11 years old he put a camera in my hands and told me I could be whatever I wanted. I spent hours with at book stores, or walking around the mall. He was such an amazing, caring and insightful person. He loved his kids and his wife tremendously! My Uncle was decorated Veteran, a Honored Police Officer, and the funniest man I know. I have a huge tote full of cards he sent me over the years. He was just an absolute inspiration to everyone who knew him. When I found out about the sad news of his passing, I looked at Josh and told him, I wanted to give Jason the middle name of Robert. Josh agreed completely because he knew what an inspiration my Uncle was to me.

Today would have been Bob's 68th birthday. I miss him more and more every single day. I hope you are having a wonderful birthday in Heaven! Love your niece!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Well It Has Been A Minute!

Well it has been awhile since I have updated my blog. Needless to say I am no longer in college and no longer engaged :) I am proud to say that I am now a working woman, and a happily married one at that :) 2012, brought on some huge changes for our family. We built and moved into our first home! We love it here! We built a three bedroom two bathroom house with the hopes of having a few kids down the road. Well we were fooled on that one! In May of 2012 we began our first round of infertility treatments. Finding out that without the help of medicine, our dream of having a little one would never come true, was quiet a challenge for me. To tell you the truth, I struggled greatly with wondering what I had done wrong, and why this was happening to me. I had my last shot of Progesterone in late July, and found out a week later, that we were going to be taking on two kids, and not the way we would have thought!
Josh's sister was deploying, and needed to leave her kids with us. Needless to say after a week of cleaning and moving furniture, we finally were ready for the little girls! They moved in at the end of July, and have been our constant source of happiness and noise. I never would have dreamed how much life changes when you get kids. We instantly decided to stop our fertility treatments, and focus on the task God had set for us. Well once again, someone knew better than we did! On September 10th, I got a call that absolutely floored me. My fertility specialist told me that my hormone levels were highly elevated, and he wanted me to take a pregnancy test in a few days. I was so overcome with happiness and excitement, but also scared to death. What if it didn't work? What if the test read wrong? I was a wreck for three days, and on Thursday September 13th, two pink lines answered my prayers! We were going to have a baby!
It is now January, the girls are still crazy, the baby is still growing( ITS A BOY!) and we are thankful every single day for all the joys in our life. I never would have thought for a second this is where my life would end up. We both have jobs we love and are so incredibly grateful to be employed especially during these hard economic times. We have the two most crazy lovable labs you will ever find, our friends and family are doing amazing, and here we are now with two kids and a third on the way! I have to say life will never cease to amaze me.